Game ready office/work building assortments that are ready to be placed within your structures. This includes a bed, a coffee table, and a flat screen tv model. Also this package contains three models that have been rigged for the player model to sit down on – a dinner room chair, a desk, and a radio broadcast desk.
Project Includes ~
⇒Rigged for a player\’s model to sit on it.
Sittable Action Rigged + Configured:
⇒ The player\’s action of sitting on the chair has been rigged in to the actual models and would need adjustments to the configuring based on the game.
—— Image Link + Image Link
Poly Count:
- Points ~ 1235
- Faces ~ 989
- Points ~ 482
- Faces ~ 444
- Points ~ 123
- Faces ~ 49
- Points ~ 12682
- Faces ~ 6870
- Points ~ 17605
- Faces ~ 8401