CS: GO June Patch Summary (15th,16th,24th,28th) – Content Analysis


Patch Change Logs Changelog

  • Added new Gamma weapon case featuring 17 community-created weapon finishes and all-new knife finishes.
  • Operation Wildfire Access Pass is no longer available for purchase.
  • New CS:GO players will get a significant earned XP boost multiplier in Recruit and Private Ranks.
  • Competitive matchmaking for new CS:GO players is now unlocked sooner, as soon as they rank up from Recruit to Private Rank 2.
  • CS:GO accounts will be Prime if they have verified their phone number and achieved at least Lieutenant Rank 21 or have earned a Service Medal.
  • Prime accounts can now select to search only for other prime accounts in competitive matchmaking.
  • When matchmaking with a party lobby, all party members must be Prime to have the Prime-only option available.
  • New sound cue for shooting with low ammo.
  • Upgraded sound fidelity, reduced distortion for Mag7, M249, Negev.
  • New smoke sound to reduce interference with bomb defuse sound.
  • New sound for text chat messages in party lobby.
  • In classic game modes any money earned by a player mid-round will no longer be available for spending during the same round (i.e., SMG purchases are no longer possible during competitive pistol rounds).
  • Suicide or disconnect compensation will no longer be awarded in warmup or during freezetime period.
  • When controlling the bot and surviving round running out of time, the controlling player is now eligible to receive end of round money.
  • Removed a legacy 2.5 seconds spawn grace period for players who reconnect to the round after freezetime is over.
  • Increased upper limit on possible mp_halftime_duration values to 5 minutes.
  • Added server convar sv_spec_post_death_additional_time that allows adding a delay for spectators between the death of a spec target and the switch to a new target.
  • The convar sv_alltalk has been replaced with sv_talk_enemy_dead and sv_talk_enemy_alive.
  • Classic Casual now defaults to team-restrict communication for living players.
  • Fixed appearance of fonts in the community browser and console.
  • Fixed some bugs with setting fullscreen resolution.
  • Set all Mac players to use Raw Mouse Input by default since this is a better experience for most players. Players can manually revert to not using raw mouse input if that is what they prefer. Changelog

  • Lowered volume level of first-person nearly empty clip sound to match its volume level falloff in the environment.
  • Fixed a regression in Nova and Sawed Off reloading sounds.
  • Added video option (default on) for frame rate smoothing. Frame rate smoothing significantly reduces hitching and stuttering, but at the expense of reducing overall frame rate.
  • Significantly reduced input latency.
  • Added audio option “Play Audio When Game in Background” to match behavior on Windows and Linux. Changelog

  • Community GOTV relays will now reliably sign in to Steam and CS:GO backend when launched straight with +tv_advertise_watchable 1 +tv_relay addr:port.
  • GOTV relays will now correctly communicate their statistics about connected proxies and clients upstream and downstream.
  • Added convars commonly used in GOTV relay chains to common dictionary encoding.
  • Added sounds for players joining and leaving party lobbies.
  • Upgraded sound fidelity for Nova, Sawed Off, and XM1014 shotguns.
  • Molotov:
    • Fixed a bug where an in-hand fire sound would persist when a player was killed while holding a primed Molotov.
    • Upgraded sound fidelity for Molotov priming sound.
    • Reduced volume of in-hand fire sound for a primed Molotov
  • Added convar cl_spec_swapplayersides to flip display of competitive HUD to match teams seating on stage.
  • Spectator UI – Player panel now tints yellow or blue based on the team of the person you are spectating.
  • Fixed broken flex data in studiomdl Changelog

  • Shipped in-game assets that are unlocked via the Series 2 Collectible Pins that will be available to attendees of ESL One Cologne 2016.
  • Added new option “Fetch Event Data” to logic_eventlistener entity. If set, a new “event_data” field will be created in the eventlistener’s ScriptScope containing information about the event.
  • Resurrected the convar mp_spec_swapplayersides.


June 15th Patch Content

Version Released


Client Version = 337

Server Version = 337

Patch Version =


Updated Store Images

The necessary store/inventory images have been added for the \\\’Gamma\\\’ collection.

Gamma Collection |Community Crate 13| ~

Crate | Inventory Icon


Key | Inventory Icon

Store Icon

Store Icon

Single Sized Display

Single Sized Display

Double Sized Display

Double Sized Display


Chicken\\\’s Audio Adjustments

The chicken\\\’s idle and panic sound effects were increased in volume.

  • Location of these modifications are represented in game_sounds.txt
	"channel"		"CHAN_BODY"
	- "volume"		"0.5"
	- "soundlevel"  	"SNDLVL_55dB"
	+ "volume"		"0.9"
	+ "soundlevel"  	"SNDLVL_65dB"
	"pitch"			"90, 110"
		"wave"		"ambient/creatures/chicken_idle_01.wav"
		"wave"		"ambient/creatures/chicken_idle_02.wav"
		"wave"		"ambient/creatures/chicken_idle_03.wav"
	"soundentry_version" "2"

	"channel"		"CHAN_BODY"
	- "volume"		".6"
	- "soundlevel"  	"SNDLVL_60dB"
	+ "volume"		".9"
	+ "soundlevel"  	"SNDLVL_65dB"
	"pitch"			"90, 110"
		"wave"		"ambient/creatures/chicken_panic_01.wav"
		"wave"		"ambient/creatures/chicken_panic_02.wav"
		"wave"		"ambient/creatures/chicken_panic_03.wav"
		"wave"		"ambient/creatures/chicken_panic_04.wav"
	"soundentry_version" "2"


A new sound effect for the chicken\\\’s flapping their wings was added.

  • Location of these modifications are represented in game_sounds.txt
	"channel"		"CHAN_BODY"
	"volume"		"1.0"
	"soundlevel"  	"SNDLVL_55dB"
	"pitch"			"90, 110"
	"wave"			"ambient/animal/bird_flapping_3.wav"


Sound Mixes Adjustment

A separate sound mix group was created for some of the associated C4 effects. It is called \\\’C4Foley\\\’ and it basically separates the mixes of the audio with other sound effects.

  • Location of these additions are represented in soundmixers.txt
// NOTE: order these from least general to most general

//	directory or .wav	classname															  		Causes  	Duck to  	Ducker
//	group name				name substring		substring	chan			sndlvl_min	sndlvl_max	priority Is Ducked	Ducking	Percent	Threshold
//  ---------				------------------	---------	-----------		----------	----------	-------- --------	-------	-------	 ---------
	"voip"					"?VoiceSfx"			""			""			""		""	"60"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
	"gamestartup"			"gamestartup"		""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
 	"Explosions"				"explo"			""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
 	"ExplosionsDistant"		"asdfaslj"			""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
 	"BulletImpacts"			"impact_bullet"		""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
 	"BulletRicochets"			"weapons/fx/rics"		""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
	// all 3rd person distant sounds
	"DistWeapons"			".SingleDistant"		""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
	// first person weapon fire
	"Weapons1"			".Single"			"localPlayer"			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"

	// special volume mixer for loud weapons, Awp, deagle, etc.
	"WeaponsLoud"			".Single"			""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
	// weapon foley, reloading etc
	"FoleyWeapons"			"asdasd"			""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
+ "C4Foley"				"C4"				""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
	+ // master mix for all weapon sounds above, values are averaged.
	"AllWeapons"			"weapons/"			""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
	"Ambient"		       	 	"ambient/"	       		""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"60"		"40"
 	"PlayerFootsteps"			"footsteps/"        	"localPlayer" 	""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
 	"GlobalFootsteps"			"footsteps/"        	""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"

//      mixgroup                	vol.  level  dsp
	"voip"                    	"0.8" "1.0" "0.0" "0.0" "0.0"
	"gamestartup" 		"0.25" "1.0" "1.0"
	"BulletImpacts"            "0.5" "1.0" "0.0"
	"BulletRicochets"       	"0.4" "1.0" "0.0"
	"Explosions"            	"0.6" "1.0" "1.0"    
	"ExplosionsDistant"    	"1.6" "1.0" "1.0"    
	"DistWeapons"            	"1.0" "1.0" "0.0"
	"Weapons1"            	"0.31" "1.0" "0.0"
	"WeaponsLoud"           	"1.0" "1.0" "0.0"
	"FoleyWeapons"           "0.32" "1.0" "0.0"
+ "C4Foley"           		"1.0" "1.0" "0.0"
	"AllWeapons"                "1.0" "1.0" "1.0"


Game Play Strings Adjusted

All of the game types configs had the covar \\\’sv_alltalk\\\’ removed but replaced with two different options of \\\’sv_talk_enemy_living\\\’ + \\\’sv_talk_enemy_dead\\\’. Depending on the game type their variable will change – for example your now only able to hear your alive team-mates in the casual mode.

  • Location of these modifications are represented in the gamemode_armsrace.cfg – gamemode_casual.cfg – gamemode_competitive.cfg – gamemode_coopmission.cfg – gamemode_custom.cfg – gamemode_deathmatch.cfg – gamemode_demolition.cfg – gamemode_training.cfg
- sv_alltalk	0
+ sv_talk_enemy_living	0
+ sv_talk_enemy_dead	0


Included Sound References

Note:  The included sound references I found does not mean that the files that they are representing will be released. It\\\’s a possibility that they would never see a public release.

Hello everybody. Just to let you all know I found these sound references within the June 15th patch that was released. In saying that there was another patch that was released on June 16th that removed all of the references that are located below:

First of all within this patch I found some new sound references that are clearly linked to the new inferno remake since they are within that folder. But there were also some references pointed to some ambient canals effects – It could be from the Inferno remake or they could be attached to the next Campaign Mission Map.

Inferno and/or New Mission Map~
+ sound\\\\ambient\\\\canals\\\\ambience_canals_traffic_bg.wav
+ sound\\\\ambient\\\\canals\\\\ambience_canals_water.wav
+ sound\\\\ambient\\\\canals\\\\ambience_canals_water_boats.wav
+ sound\\\\ambient\\\\canals\\\\ambience_canals_water_bridge_01.wav
+ sound\\\\ambient\\\\inferno\\\\bees_01.wav
+ sound\\\\ambient\\\\inferno\\\\bees_02.wav
+ sound\\\\ambient\\\\inferno\\\\church_01.wav
+ sound\\\\ambient\\\\inferno\\\\exterior_02.wav
+ sound\\\\ambient\\\\inferno\\\\house_creak_01.wav
+ sound\\\\ambient\\\\inferno\\\\inferno_radio_01.wav
+ sound\\\\ambient\\\\inferno\\\\interior_church.wav
+ sound\\\\ambient\\\\inferno\\\\water_stream_01.wav
+ sound\\\\ambient\\\\inferno\\\\water_wheel_01.wav
+ sound\\\\ambient\\\\inferno\\\\window_01.wav
+ sound\\\\ambient\\\\latin.wav

Ok. Calm down. Don\\\’t freak out.

A little bit of a memory refresh for you all of you out there. There was a patch released back on October 22nd 2015. When doing my regular patch breakdown I found within some of the manifest files many new different sound references files. Some of those included the footsteps and player movement sounds that would make a release to the public many months later. But a key find was these two lines: \\\’sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shoot.wav\\\’ + \\\’sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shoot_distant.wav\\\’. Note these were the only two references to this new weapon called the \\\’TAC-21\\\’. These two sound references basically would give the sound effect for shooting the weapon in the 1st person PoV and from a 3rd person PoV(Distant). But that was it.

With the release of this patch there were many new references including the first two I discovered. So it appears that development has been done on the weapon. But like I said we talking about Valve here and this could be scrapped like tomorrow.

+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shelleject_02.wav
+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shelleject_03.wav
+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shelleject_04.wav
+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shelleject_05.wav
+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shelleject_06.wav
+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shelleject_07.wav
+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shelleject_08.wav
+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shelleject_09.wav
+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shoot.wav
+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shoot_distant.wav
+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shoot_fail.wav
+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shoot_silenced.wav
+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shoot_silenced_distance.wav
+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_shoot_success.wav
+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_zoom_in.wav
+ sound\\\\weapons\\\\tac21\\\\tac21_zoom_out.wav


Con Var Additions

The following con vars have been added to the CS:GO client, server, and engine code. ~

Client ~
+ nearlyempty
+ prime_only
+ sv_talk_enemy_dead
+ sv_talk_enemy_living
+ weapon_near_empty_sound


June 16th Patch Content

Version Released


Client Version = 338

Server Version = 338

Patch Version =


Weapon\\\’s SFX Additions

Warning:  The following sound player level\\\’s default at the maximum volume. This is a reminder to turn down the volume with the slider before playing

Included with this patch was new sound effects for inserting shells on the Nova and Sawed-Off shotgun.

Nova ~ Insert Shell 01
Nova ~ Insert Shell 02
Nova ~ Insert Shell 03
Nova ~ Insert Shell 04
Sawed-Off ~ Insert Shell 01
Sawed-Off ~ Insert Shell 02
Sawed-Off ~ Insert Shell 03


Updated Strings

The entries for the sound level\\\’s of the nearly empty were reduced.

  • Location of these modifications are represented in game_sounds_weapons.txt
	"channel"		"CHAN_ITEM"
-	"volume"		"0.5, 1.0"
+	"volume"		"0.3, 0.3"
	"pitch"			"97, 105"
	"soundlevel"  		"SNDLVL_65dB"
	"wave"			"weapons/aug/aug_boltrelease.wav"


Con Var Additions

The following con vars have been added to the CS:GO client, server, and engine code. ~

Client ~
+ r_frameratesmoothing
+ gl_swap_limit

Engine ~
+ sv_bot_difficulty_kbm


June 24th Patch Content

Version Released


Client Version = 342

Server Version = 342

Patch Version =


SFX + Audio Modifications

Warning:  The following sound player level\\\’s default at the maximum volume. This is a reminder to turn down the volume with the slider before playing

Included with this patch has been new lobby/chat sounds, and then modification to the C4 Disarm, Molotov, Nova, Sawed-Off, + XM1014.

Lobby ~ Chat Notification
Lobby ~ Joined
Lobby ~ Kicked
Lobby ~ Left
XM1014 ~ Pump
XM1014 ~ Insert Shell 1
XM1014 ~ Insert Shell 2
XM1014 ~ Insert Shell 3
Nova ~ Insert Shell
  • Old


  • New


Nova ~ Pump
  • Old


  • New


Nova ~ 1
  • Old


  • New


Nova ~ Distant 1
  • Old


  • New


Sawed-Off ~ Pump
  • Old


  • New


Sawed-Off ~ 1
  • Old


  • New


Sawed-Off ~ Distant 1
  • Old


  • New


XM1014 ~ 1
  • Old


  • New


XM1014 ~ Distant 1
  • Old


  • New


C4 ~ Disarm Start
  • Old


  • New


Molotov ~ Idle Loop 1
  • Old


  • New


ESL One Cologne 2016 Player/Team Stickers

Since this post a little bit out of date and many viewers have already seen all the stickers all ready. I will post a simple example of the sticker\\\’s layout. Kappa.

Legend\\\'s Capsule

Legend\\\’s Capsule

Challenger\\\'s Capsule

Challenger\\\’s Capsule

strong>Liquid\\\'s Autograph Stickers

Liquid\\\’s Autograph Package


High Grade liq_large

Liquid (Holo)

Remarkable liq_holo_large

Liquid (Foil)

Exotic liq_foil_large

Liquid (Gold)

Souvenir liq_gold_large


High Grade sig_s1mple_large

S1mple (Foil)

Exotic sig_s1mple_foil_large

S1mple (Gold)

Souvenir sig_s1mple_gold_large


ESL One Cologne 2016 Souvenir Crates

The souvenir crates for ESL One Cologne 2016 had their inventory icons added within the client.

Cache Collection

Cache Collection

Cbble Collection

Cbble Collection

Dust 2 Collection

Dust 2 Collection

Mirage Collection

Mirage Collection

Nuke Collection

Nuke Collection

Overpass Collection

Overpass Collection

Train Collection

Train Collection


Pick\\\’Em Challenge Trophies

The Pick\\\’Em Challenge rewards for ESL One Cologne 2016 had their inventory icons added within the client.

Bronze Reward – 25 Points Needed
Bronze Inventory Icon

Bronze Inventory Icon

Silver Reward – 50 Points Needed
Silver Inventory Icon

Silver Inventory Icon

Gold Reward – 75 Points Needed
Gold Inventory Icon

Gold Inventory Icon


Tournament Team Icon Modifications

With the approaching ESL One event – icons for teams that are not already in the system or have changed their logo needed to be placed in the client so it can appear on the \\\’Watch\\\’ panel. Furthermore the G2 and SK icons are the only team logos that have been modified from the previous event.

OpTic Logo

OpTic Logo

Previous G2 Logo

Previous G2 Logo

Updated G2 Logo

Updated G2 Logo

Previous SK Logo

Previous SK Logo

Updated SK Logo

Updated SK Logo


Tournament Banners + Logos

Background Image

Background Image

Background Image

Store Image ~ ESL One Cologne Team Stickers Banner

Store Image ~ ESL One Cologne Team Stickers

Store Image ~ ESL One Cologne Team Stickers

ESL One Cologne 2016 Icon

ESL One Cologne 2016 Icon


VTF Addition

One of the many VTF files that was added within this patch included a VTF that was a template to this major\\\’s included stickers.

VTF_template ~
Template ~ VTF

Template ~ VTF


Updated Strings

A few sound levels for certain UI elements have been adjusted. Also there were numerous amount of new entries for different UI elements.

  • Location of these modifications are represented in game_sounds_ui.txt
	"channel"	"CHAN_ITEM"
-	"volume"	"0.2"
+	"volume"	"0.4"
	"soundlevel"  "SNDLVL_NONE"
	"pitch"	"PITCH_NORM"
	"wave"			"weapons/knife/knife_deploy1.wav"
	"channel"		"CHAN_STATIC"
	"soundlevel" 	"SNDLVL_NONE"
	"pitch"			"PITCH_NORM"
-	"volume"		"0.7"
+	"volume"		"1"
	"wave"			"UI/deathcam_review_end.wav"
+ "UI.StickerDisplay"
+ {
+ 	"channel"		"CHAN_STATIC"
+ 	"volume"		"1"
+ 	"soundlevel" 	 "SNDLVL_NONE"
+ 	"pitch"			"PITCH_NORM"
+ 	"wave"			"UI/item_showcase_sticker_01.wav"
+ }
+ "UI.StickerItemScroll"
+ {
+ 	"channel"		"CHAN_STATIC"
+ 	"volume"		"1"
+ 	"soundlevel" 	 "SNDLVL_NONE"
+ 	"pitch"			"PITCH_NORM"
+ 	"wave"			"UI/item_scroll_sticker_01.wav"
+ }
+ "UI.StickerApplyConfirm"
+ {
+ 	"channel"		"CHAN_STATIC"
+ 	"soundlevel" 	"SNDLVL_NONE"
+ 	"pitch"			"PITCH_NORM"
+ 	"volume"		"1"
+ 	"wave"			"UI/item_sticker_apply_confirm.wav"
+ }
+ "UI.ItemInspect"
+ {
+ 	"channel"		"CHAN_STATIC"
+ 	"soundlevel" 	"SNDLVL_NONE"
+ 	"pitch"			"PITCH_NORM"
+ 	"volume"		"1"
+ 	"wave"			"UI/item_inspect_01.wav"
+ }
+ "UI.StickerSelect"
+ {
+ 	"channel"		"CHAN_STATIC"
+ 	"soundlevel" 	"SNDLVL_NONE"
+ 	"pitch"			"PITCH_NORM"
+ 	"volume"		"1"
+ 	"wave"			"UI/item_sticker_select.wav"
+ }
+ "UI.Lobby.Joined"
+ {
+ 	"channel"		"CHAN_STATIC"
+ 	"soundlevel" 	"SNDLVL_NONE"
+ 	"pitch"			"PITCH_NORM"
+ 	"volume"		"1"
+ 	"wave"			"UI/lobby_notification_joined.wav"
+ }
+ "UI.Lobby.Kicked"
+ {
+ 	"channel"		"CHAN_STATIC"
+ 	"soundlevel" 	"SNDLVL_NONE"
+ 	"pitch"			"PITCH_NORM"
+ 	"volume"		"1"
+ 	"wave"			"UI/lobby_notification_kicked.wav"
+ }
+ "UI.Lobby.Left"
+ {
+ 	"channel"		"CHAN_STATIC"
+ 	"soundlevel" 	"SNDLVL_NONE"
+ 	"pitch"			"PITCH_NORM"
+ 	"volume"		"1"
+ 	"wave"			"UI/lobby_notification_left.wav"
+ }
+ "UI.Lobby.Chat"
+ {
+ 	"channel"		"CHAN_STATIC"
+ 	"soundlevel" 	"SNDLVL_NONE"
+ 	"pitch"			"PITCH_NORM"
+ 	"volume"		"1"
+ 	"wave"			"UI/lobby_notification_chat.wav"
+ }

The sound mixer config has been modified to include a new entry for a \\\’explosive decoy\\\’ and a \\\’replay\\\’ sound mix group. Also the levels of audio were adjusted for voip, distance weapons, foley weapons, and dialog.

  • Location of these modifications are represented in soundmixers.txt
// NOTE: order these from least general to most general

//	directory or .wav	classname															  		Causes  	Duck to  	Ducker
//	group name			name substring		substring	chan			sndlvl_min	sndlvl_max	priority Is Ducked	Ducking	Percent	Threshold
//  ---------			------------------	---------	-----------		----------	----------	-------- --------	-------	-------	 ---------
"voip"					"?VoiceSfx"			""			""			""		""	"60"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"

"gamestartup"			"gamestartup"		""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"

"Explosions"				"explo"			""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
"ExplosionsDistant"		"asdfaslj"			""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
+"ExplosionsDecoy"		"Decoy2"			""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
"BulletImpacts"			"impact_bullet"		""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
"BulletRicochets"			"weapons/fx/rics"		""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
-// all 3rd person distant sounds	
+// distant weapon fire
"DistWeapons"			".SingleDistant"		""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
// first person weapon fire
"Weapons1"			".Single"			"localPlayer"			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"

// special volume mixer for loud weapons, Awp, deagle, etc.
"WeaponsLoud"			".Single"			""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"

-// weapon foley, reloading etc
+// weapon reload, equip, handle etc
"FoleyWeapons"			"asdasd"			""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
"C4Foley"				"C4"				""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
// master mix for all weapon sounds above, values are averaged.
"AllWeapons"			"weapons/"			""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"

"Ambient"		       	 	"ambient/"	       		""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"60"		"40"

"PlayerFootsteps"			"footsteps/"        	"localPlayer" 	""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"
"GlobalFootsteps"			"footsteps/"        	""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"

"SelectedMusic"			"selected_"			""			""			""		""	"25"		"0"	"0"		"75"		"40"
"BuyMusic"				"startround_"		""			""			""		""	"25"		"0"	"0"		"75"		"40"
"DuckingMusix"			"asdadaf"			""			""			""		""	"25"		"0"	"0"		"75"		"40"
"Music"				"music/"			""			""			""		""	"25"		"0"	"0"		"75"		"40"
"Commander"			"commander/"		""			""			""		""	"25"		"0"	"0"		"75"		"40"
"CampaignVO"			"coop_radio/"		""			""			""		""	"25"		"0"	"0"		"75"		"40"
"Dialog"				"vo/"				""			""			""		""	"60"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"20"
"Radio"				"radio"			""			""			""		""	"60"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"20"
"Bot"					"bot/"			""			""			""		""	"60"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"20"
+"Replay"				"asdadaf"			""			""			""		""	"25"		"0"	"0"		"75"		"40"

"UI"					"ui/"				""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"

"All"					""				""			""			""		""	"50"		"0"	"0"		"100"		"40"

	//      mixgroup                	vol.  level  dsp
-		"voip"                   "0.8" "1.0" "0.0" "0.0" "0.0"
+		"voip"                   "0.7" "1.0" "0.0" "0.0" "0.0"
		"gamestartup" 		"0.25" "1.0" "1.0"   
		"Explosions"            "0.6" "1.0" "1.0"    
		"ExplosionsDistant"    	"1.6" "1.0" "1.0"
+		"ExplosionsDecoy"    	"1.6" "1.0" "1.0"
		"BulletImpacts"         "0.5" "1.0" "0.0"
		"BulletRicochets"       "0.4" "1.0" "0.0"
-		"DistWeapons"            "1.0" "1.0" "0.0"
+		"DistWeapons"            "1.5" "1.0" "0.0"
		"Weapons1"           	"0.31" "1.0" "0.0"
		"WeaponsLoud"           "1.0" "1.0" "0.0"
-		"FoleyWeapons"           "0.32" "1.0" "0.0"
+		"FoleyWeapons"           "0.4" "1.0" "0.0"
		"C4Foley"           	"1.0" "1.0" "0.0"
		"AllWeapons"             "1.0" "1.0" "1.0"
		"Ambient"                "0.3" "1.0" "1.0"
		"PlayerFootsteps"        "0.14" "1.0" "1.0"
		"GlobalFootsteps"        "1.0" "0.9" "0.0"
		"SelectedMusic"           "0.6" "1.0" "1.0"
		"BuyMusic"                "0.8" "1.0" "1.0"
		"DuckingMusix"            "0.8" "1.0" "1.0"
		"Music"                    "0.5" "1.0" "0.0"
		"Commander"               "0.3" "1.0" "0.0"
		"CampaignVO"              "1.0" "1.0" "0.0"
-		"Dialog"                "0.3" "1.0" "0.0"
+		"Dialog"                "0.2" "1.0" "0.0"
		"Radio"                    "0.3" "1.0" "0.0"
		"Bot"                    "0.3" "1.0" "0.0"
		"Replay"		"1.0" "1.0" "1.0"
		 "UI"                    "0.4" "1.0" "1.0"
		"All"                    "0.7" "1.0" "1.0"


Updated UI Feature

NOTICE:  The following UI displays do not represent the final appearance. These images shows us, the viewer, a visual difference between the two versions. Also the following displays will feature the default/sample entries that the devs used.

Spectator UI Display

An outline border was added around the player\\\’s name box on the lower part of the screen. The devs have noted in the patch notes that within the color of the tint box will vary based on the player being viewed.


June 28th Patch Content

Version Released


Client Version = 343

Server Version = 343

Patch Version =


Series 2 Collectible Pins

The Series 2 Collectible Pins had their inventory icons added within the client.













Guardian 2











Model Additions

Series 2 Collectible Pins

The model files have been added and are ready to attach to the users that were in attendance at the Major.













Guardian 2











Updated Fnatic Sticker

The Fnatic sticker has been updated with it\\\’s current logo.






Updated Strings

The necessary strings were added for each pin.

  • Location of these additions are represented in the items_game.txt
	"name"		"Collectible Pin - Guardian 2"
	"prefab"		"attendance_pin"
	"item_rarity"		"rare"
	"item_name"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_guardian_2"
	"item_description"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_guardian_2_desc"
	"image_inventory"		"econ/status_icons/collectible_pin_guardian_2"
	"pedestal display model"	"models/inventory_items/collectible_pin_guardian_2.mdl"
	"name"		"Collectible Pin - Bravo"
	"prefab"		"attendance_pin"
	"item_rarity"		"rare"
	"item_name"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_bravo"
	"item_description"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_bravo_desc"
	"image_inventory"		"econ/status_icons/collectible_pin_bravo"
	"pedestal display model"	"models/inventory_items/collectible_pin_bravo.mdl"
	"name"		"Collectible Pin - Baggage"
	"prefab"		"attendance_pin"
	"item_rarity"		"rare"
	"item_name"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_baggage"
	"item_description"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_baggage_desc"
	"image_inventory"		"econ/status_icons/collectible_pin_baggage"
	"pedestal display model"	"models/inventory_items/collectible_pin_baggage.mdl"
	"name"		"Collectible Pin - Phoenix"
	"prefab"		"attendance_pin"
	"item_rarity"		"rare"
	"item_name"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_phoenix"
	"item_description"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_phoenix_desc"
	"image_inventory"		"econ/status_icons/collectible_pin_phoenix"
	"pedestal display model"	"models/inventory_items/collectible_pin_phoenix.mdl"
	"name"		"Collectible Pin - Office"
	"prefab"		"attendance_pin"
	"item_rarity"		"mythical"
	"item_name"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_office"
	"item_description"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_office_desc"
	"image_inventory"		"econ/status_icons/collectible_pin_office"
	"pedestal display model"	"models/inventory_items/collectible_pin_office.mdl"
	"name"		"Collectible Pin - Cobblestone"
	"prefab"		"attendance_pin"
	"item_rarity"		"mythical"
	"item_name"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_cobblestone"
	"item_description"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_cobblestone_desc"
	"image_inventory"		"econ/status_icons/collectible_pin_cobblestone"
	"pedestal display model"	"models/inventory_items/collectible_pin_cobblestone.mdl"
	"name"		"Collectible Pin - Overpass"
	"prefab"		"attendance_pin"
	"item_rarity"		"mythical"
	"item_name"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_overpass"
	"item_description"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_overpass_desc"
	"image_inventory"		"econ/status_icons/collectible_pin_overpass"
	"pedestal display model"	"models/inventory_items/collectible_pin_overpass.mdl"
	"name"		"Collectible Pin - Bloodhound"
	"prefab"		"attendance_pin"
	"item_rarity"		"legendary"
	"item_name"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_bloodhound"
	"item_description"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_bloodhound_desc"
	"image_inventory"		"econ/status_icons/collectible_pin_bloodhound"
	"pedestal display model"	"models/inventory_items/collectible_pin_bloodhound.mdl"
	"name"		"Collectible Pin - Cache"
	"prefab"		"attendance_pin"
	"item_rarity"		"legendary"
	"item_name"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_cache"
	"item_description"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_cache_desc"
	"image_inventory"		"econ/status_icons/collectible_pin_cache"
	"pedestal display model"	"models/inventory_items/collectible_pin_cache.mdl"
	"name"		"Collectible Pin - Valeria"
	"prefab"		"attendance_pin"
	"item_rarity"		"ancient"
	"item_name"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_valeria"
	"item_description"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_valeria_desc"
	"image_inventory"		"econ/status_icons/collectible_pin_valeria"
	"pedestal display model"	"models/inventory_items/collectible_pin_valeria.mdl"
	"name"		"Collectible Pin - Chroma"
	"prefab"		"attendance_pin"
	"item_rarity"		"ancient"
	"item_name"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_chroma"
	"item_description"		"#CSGO_Collectible_Pin_chroma_desc"
	"image_inventory"		"econ/status_icons/collectible_pin_chroma"
	"pedestal display model"	"models/inventory_items/collectible_pin_chroma.mdl"


Con Var Additions

The following con vars have been added to the CS:GO client, server, and engine code. ~

Client ~
+ mp_spec_swapplayersides
+ Toggle set the player names and team names to the opposite side in which they are are on the spectator panel.

Engine ~
+ nosignaturechecks